My Theater~*

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

off my shoulders~*

its kind of fast when you think of it as almost 4months have passed.. another 1 more month and its the end of my internship and I am going to graduate soon! and after that.. national service.. =\ and when i mention about national service in Japan.. everyone was shocked and all the Japanese were asking why why why? =\ haha..
anyway.. jogged in the winter cold air yesterday.. I felt tired.. but i didn't perspire at all.. =\ 1st time in my life.. I jogged without perspiring at all..
and oh yar.. I TRIED BASASHI!! for those wondering what it is.. its.. RAW horse meat (horse sashimi).. and it was really really delicious!! totally different from any fish sashimi.. yum yum!! if any one of you come over to Kumamoto, try it k! Kumamoto has the best BASASHI in Japan!! =D


this was few weeks ago.. and I forgot to post this outing up in my blog.. so I am going to post them up! its having dinner at.. MK Restaurant! A SHABU SHABU buffet restaurant!!

AND IT STARTED TO SNOW~ a little only thou..

choosing choosing our buffet type~ its 1320 Yen for the cheapest dinner buffet.. (around SGD17 bucks)


the "shabu shabu pot"! =x

the ambience~

THE POT'S BOILING! add add add food!

the raw meat~ looks delicious even b4 cooking.. =\ wonder we can eat it raw or not.. =x

yes Mizoguchi!! time to cook it! dip dip dip.. and *eat*

after having dinner.. (and we over ate) =x.. we went for movies nearby!! we watched.. beowolf! wasn't that nice though.. i prefered I am Legend more.. and movies in Japan comes out much later than in Singapore.. because they have to make Japanese Subtitles for the movie.. guess its hard for Japanese to understand the movie.. cos the english is kinda hard and fast for them.. anyway.. here are some photos~

Alisha sitting at the waiting area..

and me too.. getting ready to go in.. ~

the entrance of the halls~

alrite! thats all for the fun~ not much photos though.. anyway.. its cold in Japan now.. around 4 degrees in the day time.. and 1 degree during the night.. kind of cold though.. starting to wear long john with many layers.. around 4 layers? =\ I feel kind of bulky though.. but no choice.. ><


No much to talk about work but..

just submitted my TP OSIP report.. concentrating to work on the Recipe Suggestion System now.. aiming for the goal of completing it before the end of my internship.. having some difficulties working on the system though.. like handling Japanese Characters with coding and understanding them..

Applying for Universities on the 1st of Feb too.. to everyone that is aiming for a U, applications of NTU and NUS is on 1st Feb - 21st Feb! apply asap~ last year poly students can apply too! SMU is already open and closing on 1st April.. (i think).. =D good luck for everyone's application!