My Theater~*

Sunday, October 28, 2007

preparing... ~

alrite.. sorry for the irregular posting guys.. kinda busy everynow.. got to prepare for the Denpasai.. gotprojects stuffs to do and lots of other stuffs.. the preparation of school festival took up the most time.. =\ alrite.. lets notn waste time.. and see some photos!! =D


alrite! let me introduce the best milk tea in JAPAN! haha.. LIPTON MILK TEA! i'm not sure whether there is this milk tea in singapore.. but i think its the best so far i drank.. =\

Lipton Milk Tea!

oh yar... sorry lukai! i haven take picture of milk.. soon soon ok? i keep forgetting.. haha.. is milk tea acceptable? =x haha..

anyway.. i've been borrowing the music room keys now a days to play the piano!! and guess wat...

Grand Piano in Music Room.

arrr!! so nice!! its my first time playing on a grand piano.. the sound is totally different la.. haha.. its so so nice.. =D love playin on it..

anyway.. still preparing denpasai.. so luqman helped the foreigners to make coupons for our shop!!

Top: Curry & Naan
Bottom: Chicken Rice
250 Yen Each! =D 300 on that day!
alrite.. and now.. SOME LUQMAN Photos.. haha.. took it when he tried his snowboarding wear.. hes going snow boarding during the winter vacation.. heres some pictures of HIM!

Acting Cute with his Board..

Acting Cool now.. haha..

Emo Pose? =\

anyway.. thats all for luqman.. haha.. cool huh.. hes gonna snowboarding.. i dun even know how to.. and he just bought the jacket top and bottom for 40,000 Yen (around 500-600 SGD).. its cheap in Japan already.. =\ but its expensive in SG rite? haha..

ok! and lets go to.. some sports stuffs~ haha.. on friday.. 26 Oct.. some japanese and foreign students went to the hall at night to play some sports.. it was at night.. so.. IT WAS SO COLD!! AND I WORE SHORTS! haha.. freezing to death when i was on the way to the hall.. but after playing a while.. i felt much better.. haha..
anyway.. here are some photos~
Itou (Japanese) and Alisha

Playing Badminton - Left: Erka (Mongolian) Right: Tom (Laos)

Tatsuya (Japanese) with Volleyball!

Group Photo in the Hall!
Behind From the Left: Anil (India), Tatsuya (Jap), Me (SG.. DUH! lols)
Front From The Left: Tom (Laos), Erka (Mongolian), Itou (Jap), Shoko (Jap)
Camera Man: Luqman (Malaysian)

in singapore.. we call this super multi racial right? haha.. anyway.. thats all for the past few days.. never really take lots of photos actually.. i keep forgetting.. haha.. sorry guys.. alrite! before i talk about work.. temperatures!! in the afternoon - 19-23 degrees, night - 15/16.. cold in the night.. ><>
alrite.. just presented my design phase (use case, use case specification, database design etc.) of the project on thrusday.. no work was given to me after that.. but i've started working on my class diagram (Domain Diagram) and Sequence Diagrams.. i'm still trying to confirm my use case scenarios with Matsumoto Sensei to give me the green light to continue with my sequence diagrams..
when Matsumoto Sensei returns from Tokyo on Wed (30 Oct) i'll confirm everything with him.. even what software to use to develop the software and what database to use.. i guess after finishing with the sequence diagrams.. i can start working on the software.. after that.. it'll be programming and implementation..

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