My Theater~*

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


ok guys.. i apologize sincerely for my late post.. my internet is still down.. and im still waiting for it to be up.. the cause of it is because we are suppose to register our computer's internet with its mac address. However, when i register last time, i gave the wrong MAC address, therefore, my connection is being rejected by the server (which is being shared with Kumamoto University). So now, i am registering my MAC address and waiting for my connection to be up again.. so as for now.. i am using luqman's comp to blog!!

alrite.. so heres an overview on what i am gonna write on.. 1st: C-4 Class during lesson!!.. Some Food.. KUMAMOTO CASTLE!!.. C-4 Class Film Making.. and lastly, a brief description on my project.. so here we goooo!!

first we start with C-4 Class Photos... DURING LESSONS!!

Teacher Teaching During Class (Took Secretly)

Akira SLEEPING!! ><

KENTA playing HP!!

Luqman and Yoshi listening attentively to lesson.. =D

Tommy and Tajiri posing behind teacher.. =x

The class during lesson..

hmmm.. ok.. they say that the class is boring.. so its kinda tiring and boring.. therefore, doing other stuffs.. haha.. i guess TP lecturers would be driven nuts if all classes in TP is like this.. haha.. =x

alrite.. then next!! some pictures of food!!

Sushi bar! roll.. roll.. roll.. ate it with Matsumoto Sensei, Mr Steven Tan and Alisha..

Yayoiken!! SUPER NICE RESTAURANT! yum yum!
In the picture: Left- Mr Steven Tan (From TP engine sch) Right - Alisha (Student of Engine Sch)

DIY OKONOMIYAKI! Ate with.. (From the Left) Kazuma, Kazuki (Harry Potter), Zono..


alrite.. thats all for food.. sorry if there is little.. didnt add much photos of food in this post cos i wanna post more of other.. POST MORE OF KUMAMOTO-JO! (Kumamoto Castle)
so here we go!~
Mote of the Castle!

KOIs IN DA MOTE! Lets go fishing!! =x

Going towards Kumamoto Castle.. (Outside of Kumamoto Main Gate)

Bamboo laid on the floor.. i'll show you guys the reason later why it is being laid on the floor.. =)

Walkin and walkin to Kumamoto Castle.. (Just after entering the gate)

ok.. wall doesn't look that high.. BUT...

WHEEE!! haha.. and this is just Kumamoto Castle's Outer Wall..

Kumamoto Castle from the Back..

Entrance of Kumamoto Castle...

Kumamoto Castle from the Front!

ok.. remember that i took a picture of bamboos on the floor... it is being used for this!! to put candles in them.. because its the 400th anniversary of Kumamoto Castle!! there was lots of dancing.. singing.. lighting of candles.. the whole place were really lively, especially at night! There were street stalls too.. and everyone were in a happy mood!
ok thats all for kumamoto castle.. and now we go to.. THE MOVIE IN THE MAKING~


Tanaka in Funny Specs~

Tommy acting as a host in a TV comedy gameshow..

C-4 class students are making a short film which consist of a japanese comedy gameshow.. its really funny if you understand japanese.. but i could only understand a bit.. guess i got a long way to go to learn more and more japanese.. its really difficult.. ><
oh yar.. i haven explain why they are doing a movie.. the movie is for.. THE KNCT SCHOOL FESTIVAL!! japanese school festival are so so so so interesting.. there will movies.. shops.. more and more! im gonna find out more about it.. all i know is its gonna be held on the 3rd and 4th of NOVEMBER! yay! and Foreign Students in the Hostel are making a food stall.. we are still discussing on what to cook andd finalizing everything..
how good huh.. wish Singapore schools have sch festivals also.. maybe should reccommend TP to have a school festival or smth like that.. then there will be like.. haunted houses.. food shops.. etc etc.. i know CCN day is smth like that.. but i think school festivals are much better and interesting!! =D
ok and now.. my PROJECT~ ok.. now an overview of my project.. a more detailed one.. I am suppose to design and make a software whereby it creates recipe based on one's health, preferred food, market price, and meals history.. its kind of a big project and i hope i can finish it by feb. I'm gonna use Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Java Programming Skills to create this software. Its gonna be hard.. and im gonna slog slog and slog more~ but of course.. ENJOY LOTS!! =)
alrite! thats all for this post.. when's the next post? not sure.. maybe when my connection is up.. sry for the inconveince guys.. i hope my internet connection would be alrite by tmr or the day after.. ><

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