My Theater~*

Thursday, November 15, 2007

nothing much~ *

ok guys~ not much photos now a days.. so ill add the photos from my fren's camera during denpasai.. alrite.. here it goes..~ =)

Wipin the Tent Early in the Morning~

Wipe wipe wipe....

setting it up..~

Our Cooks Preparing the dishes! (Luqman and Anil)

luqman cookin the chicken rice~ (its good actually)

luqman (in Malay Traditional Clothing [i dun know what it is in Malay] =\) and liyana (in baju kurong [i think its this spelling]) preparing and cooking the food..

Tom slacking away =x haha..

Principle of the School giving speach.. shhh..

busy busy busy!!! ><

selling selling selling~ our front table a little small thou.. =\

Girl bands from our school performing on stage.. =\

Boy bands too!! =)

also some comedy shows and games~ =\

me and alisha resting for a while. (not slackin ar!) =\

after that.. we went to a small cafe to have some smoothie.. and we saw cuteeee stuffs on tables.. =\



ok i don't know what this is.. =\

dolphins too~

Erka posing behind our signboard..

Liyana.. (Malaysian) Anil.. (Indian) Wing.. (Vietnamese) posing with signboard~

Erka and his fren~

part of the foreign students~

From the Left: Liyana, Anil, Tom, Tarumigi, Erka

ok thats all for denpasai~ haha.. now just wanna show a few photos that i took when i walked to a nearby convienent stall~

Flowers~ lotsa them!

Moth on some flower~

Super close up shot.. of a bee on a flower.. =D

alrite.. thats all for the fun.. its getting colder now a days.. and it was -5 degrees yesterday morning.. cold cold.. >< guess its getting colder day by day... =\


alright.. i just had my presentation and it was great.. and i was informed that shimada sensei will be going to new zealand to promote on my project and matsumoto sensei will be going to singapore to promote.. i didn't know that my project was that large.. also, both of them will be promoting it in japan once i finish the project.. (lots of weight on my shoulders ><)

also, i will be having an interview with a company in Fukuoka (Fujitsu) this coming thursday and if they approve.. i would be working in their company for 2 weeks around the month of december.. prolly before christmas.. that means.. staying in Fukouka myself.. taking care of myself and working by myself~ thats kind of a big challenge though, but it sounds exciting.. =\

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