My Theater~*

Saturday, October 6, 2007

sit back and watch.. *

ok! today.. is a sat.. so no school today~ yay! so i went to downtown Kumamoto City!! first time for me~

ok.. so now.. lets start with... INSECTS AGAIN~ haha... heres another insect which is the same as the one i took yesterday in luqman's room.. (the one which is smelly when dead)...

Kamemushi Insect. =) (just found out the name)

and heres a picture of da train stop! look like a bus stop rite?

Train Stop.

and heres the schedule of the train..

Train Schedule.

ok.. as we can see.. the train comes on every XX.13 and XX.43 on every hour. For example, the train comes one 1.13pm and 1.43pm.. don ask me why the number kind of odd.. i find it odd too.. y? 13 and 43? why not 15 and 45? well.. ask the train CEO. haha..

ok.. and heres some pictures of the train and ticket..

Train Incoming....

My Train Ticket.. (its 17! don't ask me y the its 17.. cos its kind of hard to explain.. i'll explain another day when i take the train again! =p )

Inside the Train: Door.

Inside the Train.
and we alight at Kumamoto City stop!! Here are some pictures after we alight from the train...
Outside the Train Station.

On the way to Centre of Kumamoto City.

we walk and walk and walk for about 15mins.. and here we are.. CENTRE OF KUMAMOTO CITY!! here are some pictures..

Karaoke: The classy version.

KFC in Kumamoto.

100 Yen Shop. (we bought some stuffs here)

Inside 100 Yen Shop. (Level 1, it has 2 levels)

MISTER DONUT!! (Not missy donut)

alrite.. ill end with Kumamoto city pictures here.. dun really have enough time to post all the pictures here.. another time ok? cos time is short.. and i got like another 30 more pictures of kumamoto city.. =\
and now.. we move on to.. FOOD.. =D yum yum..
Lunch: From the Left - Some vege stuffs (ewww), Beef with Vege(alrite..), Onion and Potato Soup(not nice) and Rice.

Dinner: From the Left: Some Vege Stuffs (not bad), TOFU WITH MINCE MEAT and Bean Paste (SUPER YUMMY!), Egg Soup (SUPER NICE), and rice! =D

haha.. lunch was bad.. really bad.. but dinner was delicious! =D anyway.. ill end this.. with a picture.. of the current scenery outside our hostel! =D tada!

alrite.. tats all folks! ill promise ill post the kumamoto city photos another day.. =)

Friday, October 5, 2007

more and more pics~ *

realrite! i know this entry kinda late.. but i was chattin with the jap guys.. ok today.. got lots of picture... so here it comes...

lets start with.. INSECTS!! arrr!! lols.. ok i dont know what is this insect called.. but i heard that it is super smelly when it dies.. yup yup.. and they say there is super lots of this during autumn.. the size is quite big.. maybe the size of half your thumb.. around there.. =\ heres a pic of it.. taken from luqman's room..

Unknown Insect.

ok and now.. PICTURES OF CLASS C-4.. the japanese xchange programme people mus be waiting for this.. and here it is!!

Class C-4: Just End of Class

Class C-4: the front

Class C-4: Dustbins (Cleaned after yesterday)

Yuuki playing PSP after class.

and now some drinks to introduce!! =)

Some kind of Tea. i don't know what it is.. but is mixed tea.. its like oolong cha.. ocha.. and many many other kinds of tea mixed together.. maybe around 8? =\ i don't kinda like it cos its super bitter.. not sweet at all.. ><

Qoo drink in Japan! its made of aluminium! not plastic.. haha and its nice and sweet! apple flavour!! =D finally something sweet to drink.. yay!

ok!! and at night.. i went to 7-eleven!! but i forgot to take a picture of it.. >< align="center">Bicycle stand at night.. creepy huh.. >

When i came back.. i saw them.. and started to chat with them outside the hostel.. and then.. we took this picture!! haha.. from da left.. nobu.. tanaka.. wasa.. =)

and now.. FOOD! BUT I FORGOT TO TAKE A PICTURE OF LUNCH! haha.. super duper forgetful man.. but heres today menu for dinner! tada!

From the Left: Blackie Stuffs(i dont know what is that, its not seaweed thou), chicken wrapped with cabbage, banana and orange (obvious), and rice with water! =)

hmmm.. today was a little busy.. especially at night.. because i arrive late to my room.. i made more friends in the night when talkin to them on the way back to the hostel. the night is a little cold though.. around 23 degrees.. abit like aircon... still waiting for colder weather..~ =\

oh yar. i forgot to add.. TOMMOROW I AM GOING TO.. KUMAMOTO CITY!! gonna take lotsa photos!! =) so expect lotsa photos tmr! =)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

relaxed day.. *

alrite! nothing really happen much today.. but lets see some pictures! =D heres a picture nearby the dormitory. i took it when i was on my way to the lab at Control Engineering school.
Walk way outside the Hostel.
its becoming autumn soon.. and the leafs are starting to drop and some trees are mostly botak already.. but the weather is still a little hot.. the temperature its around 27/28? sigh.. when is the weather getting colder!!! ><
and here.. a picture of a japanese drink brand.. Suntory! its Japanese Green Tea and its TOTALLY NOT SWEET! moreover, its kinda bitter.. but it's super healthy.. =\ no sugar at all! I think no such thing as no sugar bottled drink exist in singapore.. most of them is super sweet.. ><
Japanese Bottled Green Tea.
and here.. its a COMMON ROOM! it's for us to mix around.. cook.. eat.. watch tv.. etc etc etc.. however, it's for foreigners thou.. heres some pictures..
Common Room: Kitchen

Common Room: Dining Place. (kinda messy thou... =x)

and.. FOR LUNCH!! its... tada!!

Lunch: From the Left - Vege/Crabstick salad, Fried Chicken, Clear Mushroom Soup, Rice and Green Tea!

and...... for Dinner.... HERES THE MENU!..

Dinner: From the Left - Vege Salad with Vemicelli (not sure correct spelling or not), Stir Fried Pork with Onions and Veges, Egg Soup and Rice!

yum yum? YUM YUM! haha.. thats all for food! i'll take pictures of food everyday until the same food is being served again.. then i'll stop taking.. but if i go out for meals, as in outside school.. i'll take lots and lots of photos! =) so tune in for more pictures soon~! =)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

gettin senile.. *

ok.. i promised to take a picture of the supermarket.. BUT I FORGOT!! arrr!! super short-term memory.. haha.. (i promise i'll take more when i go there again) but i took a photo inside the supermarket.. and.. tada!! a full row.. over 100 kinds of CUP NOODLES! super a lot..
Cup Noodles Shelf.
and heres a photo that everyone's waiting for..
(but don't be disappointed cos its kinda blur.. and not everyone is there)
Class C-4. The class that came to Singapore for Exchange Programme.
and here we are.. their class's sports photos.. it pasted on the wall beside their blackboard.
their classroom stuffs are really old. The desks and chairs are super old and it's made of wood. and they're still using blackboard, not whiteboard.
and heres something that the class didn't want me to take.. cos its really embrarassing.. when i saw it.. and i tried to take a photo of it.. all of them was like.. "NO!! NO!!". haha.. but too late.. i took it.. and here it is!

Rubbish Bins of Class C-4.

They claim they haven clear this pile of rubbish since summer holidays. that is.. 2 months ago. its super dirty la.. and it is just right behind yuuki.. poor thing.. gotta smell those rubbish.. ><

and now.. FOOD!! yay! here's today's lunch!!

Lunch - From the Left: Some Mixed Vegetables, Rice with Egg, Bean Spouts, Carrot, Beef and Vege, and a packet of milk!

lunch wasn't that bad.. but i still feel that lunch on monday was still the best! and now a picture of my dinner!

Dinner - From the Left: Japanese Curry with Potato, Grilled Salmon with Cheese, Miso Soup and Rice.

actually, i really hate the taste and smell of salmon. but i still took a bite. AND IT TASTE GOOD! the taste is totally different from singapore! it has no fish taste at all, no smelly smell and its delicious! =D first time i like salmon!

anyway, as from tmr onwards, its gonna be more and more work... arr... borrringg... gotta start on my project soon.. ok ending my entry with the weather.. Temperatures: Morning/Night:23/24 degrees celcius Afternoon:28/29. =)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

still trying to adapt.. *

cos yesterday i was kind of busy.. i forgot to take pictures of my bank account book and my student card. so here they are!
Bank Account Book! Comes with a free packet of tissue (in blue).

My KNCT Student Card.

and now lets start the day AGAIN with brushing teeth.. so i went to the basin.. and i was like "woooaaahhh." i really said that! and i saw this! look at the green colour thingy on the wall..

Can't see properly? Heres a ZOOM IN.

There you have it! A Praying Mantis!
haha.. dun ask me why is it there.. 10 mins later when i come back.. it was gone.. not sure where is disappeared to thou.. =\
so.. today is the start of my project and at 3pm, i am suppose to be at Professor Matsumoto's lab which is at the Control Engineering Building Level 1. (the same building where masa, zono, yuuki's etc. etc. class are. Their class is Class C-4 and at level 2).

Control Engineering Building

alrite.. and here's my lab!! the place where im gonna slog and work on my project. i made friends with all the japanese guys there.. but didn't take photo with them cos i was kinda busy.

My Lab!

and.. in the lab.. is... MY COMPUTER!

My Table and Computer (OS: Linux - Fedora)!

so.. let me explain what my project is. Some may say that it is silly, some may say that it will be interesting. =\ I'm suppose to create a program whereby it will take information of elderly people from the database (example: illness like high-blood pressure), and do some calculation and create a recipe for them which suits their health. For example, if this 55 years old oba-san has high-blood pressure, then the system will generate a recipe which contains less salt (for those who don't know, if some one has high-blood pressure, he/she have to eat lesser salt). Yup yup, it's something like this.

alrite.. less not talk about work.. and now.. we proceed on to some thing that you all are waiting for!!...

(but don't be dissapointed cos..)

today's dinner wasn't that appetizing.. =( from the left.. vegetable soup (yum yum!).. Meatball with Pasta (erm.. alrite la).. potato salad (okok only =\).. rice.. and water. =) yesterday's meal was better. much better! anyway, i'll take pictures of tommorow's meal, if i remember. =x

anyway.. to end the blog.. jus wanna say tat.. i got LOTS of stuffs to buy.. got a whole long list.. like.. softerner, more eye drops, a mini basket for me to bring stuffs when i bathe, etc etc etc.. so tomorrow i'll be going to the super market nearyby (around 15 mins cycle from KNCT). and i'll take a picture of it.. if i remember.. =)

Monday, October 1, 2007

busy busy day... *

bz.. busy.. buzy! today was kinda rush cos there were many stuffs to do.. i have to apply for a student card in KNCT (because of this, i had to go to a photo shop to take a passport photo), an alien card(a temporary identification card in japan), open a bank account, discussion about projects, and to make a decision which project to do.
ok lots lots lots.. but lets not talk about those boring stuffs are look at more PHOTOS! yay! =\
in our hostel, there are vending machines which accept coins. There are like cup noodles, biscuits, drinks etc. If i am not wrong a drink cost around 110 Yen (around 1.40 SGD).
Vending Machines in Hostel.
ok.. then heres a picture of the cafeteria with no one inside (cos it's not meal time yet).
Meal times are like 7.30am-8.10am for breakfast, 12pm - 12.50 pm for lunch and 6.20-7.50 for dinner.


I just got the price quote from the hostel teacher, and meals are priced as follow.. breakfast:250Yen (around 3 SGD), lunch:350Yen (around 4.50SGD), dinner: 400Yen (around 5.20 SGD). and rental of the room cost like 2,800Yen (around 35 SGD). I mean the prices are reasonable in Japan (cos as you know Japan has high standard of living).

ok next! Shoe lockers! the shoe lockers are to keep your shoes.. (ok, of course).. but it is to keep your slippers which are only meant for the hostel. A pair of slipper is required to be worn only in the hostel. so if u wanna go out of the hostel, you have to change from your "hostel slipper" to your shoes.

Shoe Lockers!
and here is my locker!! LOOK AT THE JAPANESE WORDS! It is the DIRECT translation of my name "Timothy". Serious! Wow, I didn't know that I have a Japanese name.. haha.. I wonder who did the translation.. =\

My Shoe Locker.

alrite.. in the afternoon, i had to meet Professor Matsumoto to discuss about the project that I am doing, so i had to walk to his office from the hostel. and guessed who i saw!?

Yoshi, Masa, Shouta, Kazuma and more and more~ almost everyone. That was the time whereby they just finished P.E. and most of them were topless in public. Too bad i didn't take pictures with them cos i didn't bring my phone and camera.. =\

ok then here a picture of Professor Matsumoto office..

Professor Matsumoto Office.
it's super duper messy! i don't know why he didn't clear the mess but when i first open the door of his office, i was like "OMG" in my mind.. of course i didn't say it out, if not i'll be in trouble. =x
and also, one of the teacher, i forgot her name, but i think it is Uneo (U-ne-o) Sensei. She brought Alisha and I to a photo shop to get some passport photos for the student card and alien card.

Uneo Sensei and I at the Photo Shop.

and their photo shop is kind of special, when they help you to take a photo, they not only give you a photo but also a CD which includes your picture inside, soyou can print and print and print it again. So cool! in Singapore, they just give us mere photos, and if we want more, we have to take more again. =\

alrite.. i shall end this entry with the temperature.. in morning it is kind of cooling.. around 23/24 degrees celcius, afternoon maybe 26 degrees celcius.. autumn is comingggg... =)