My Theater~*

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

nth much today~ *


alrite.. lets talk about the school festival!!! its called DENPASAI in Japanese.. in the foreign students stall.. we are making.. Curry with Naan, Chicken Rice, Vietnamese Spring Rolls, Pudding and Tiramisu.. we are gonna make the final plannings on this sat and buying all the stuffs on sat.. and here's something i bought from my friend..

A Coupon! Okonomiyaki Coupon!

it cost 200 Yen! haha.. the price was alrite.. so i just bought it from her.. oh yar.. anyway.. its the kyudo club which is selling Okonomiyaki.. so i just buy~

ill promise ill take lots of photos during the school festival.. its gonna be fun~~~~

ok then now.. i'll post more photos on sunday.. the day which i went to Aso with.. Alisha.. Naomi (5th Grade Student) and Mizuguchi (1st Year Degree Student)...

so here it goes..

Me, Alisha, Naomi and Mizuguchi eating at a Udon Restuarant.















Small little Crater Near Aso..

Top of a Mountain near Aso..

SUNSET!! Taken when going back down the mountain..

Mizuguchi driving the car.. alisha took it! haha..

alrite.. thats all for Aso.. i got a few nice photos of Aso.. but the picture sizes are kind of big.. so i can't upload them to this blog.. sorry guys~ =\

anyway.. thats all for today! i didn't take pictures of the meals.. i kind of forgot for both of the meals.. i'll take them from tommorow onwards k! =D


alrite.. today was just preparing my presentation slides for the presentation tommorow at 5pm.. its around 30 slides and i'm still touching it up.. i hope the presentation goes well tommorow.. tommorow i'm going to reherse my speech and finalize everything.. wish me luck on my 1st presentation in Kumamoto~ =D

Monday, October 22, 2007


alrite alrite!! MY INTERNET IS UP AT LAST! YES! ok.. everyday blogging now.. alrite.. from today onwards.. there will be 2 parts in my blog... the 1st part.. about the fun stuffs.. and the 2nd part about my work/project stuffs.. this is because i got to start to report my project stuffs to my liason officer in Singapore as he will also be reading this blog and grading my OSIP. so.. lets start with..


ok! so lets start with friday.. (19 OCt) we had dinner with Mr Steven Tan (cos it was his last day in Japan), Shimada Sensei and Matsumoto Sensei. and we ate.. in a SOBA restaurant!! =D its good and delicious! but a little expensive.. ><

so here are some pictures!

Mr Tan Grinding the Actual Wasabi Root.


Me Grinding the Wasabi Root!

argh!! it'll be nice if Japanese Restaurants have Wasabi roots for us to grind. then we would have FRESH RAW WASABI! not the lousy powdered wasabi. =\
ok tats all for dinner on friday.. so lets JUMP JUMP JUMP to the ASO OUTING ON SUNDAY! but dun be too happy.. because there's only a few pictures.. i'll post more tmr cos most of the pictures is not with me.. it is with alisha.. =\ so here it goes..

Large windmills on the mountain.. its really really large.. maybe around 20-30m high? =\

Walking up the Peak after alighting from the car.. welcomed with a row of SUSUKI (NOT SUZUKI)..

PEAK of one of the mountains (not aso).. i'll post pictures of aso tommorow of on one of the days.. =)

Me posing beside a horse.. the provide horse rides too.. =D they're huge... ><

ok thats all for aso TODAY... i'll post more pictures tommorow.. so look out for tommorows photos ok!? =D
alrite.. today i'm feeling kinda tired cos of work work work.. so i'm not gonna write that much.. and now.. lets talk about..
ok.. currently.. i've design my use case diagrams.. with use case scenarios and i've let Matsumoto Sensei and Shimada Sensei to look through.. they say its good and asked me to do a presentation on this Thrusday.. (25 Oct).. its kinda fast for a presentation.. but i'll try my best!! also.. i've submitted a database design diagram (ER Diagram) and i'm gonna present that on that day as well.. so far so good..
well.. i guess i'll do more work after the design phase.. it'll be programming.. programming and more programming.. but i think i perfer programming more than the design phase as some times.. the designing and analysis phase might last really long and might be draggy.. well.. i hope i can finish everything up by end of Feb.. =)