My Theater~*

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

ending at Fukuoka~ =\

heres my next post! i apologise for the late post.. but its 19th Dec! my last day at fukouka! its a sad thing and a good thing too.. sad is.. ill might not get to see my kind and fun to be with colleges again.. the good thing is.. my gonna meet up with my kumamoto frens again! =\ well lets put these aside and see some photos at Fukouka! =D
Here we go!


The view of the ocean in the office!

and the Fukuoka tower too! =D

one of the Obento that i ate there! Niko-Chan Obento! =D

was delicious! =D They got rice. fried stuffed chicken, saba, some vege and dessert.. yum yum!

On Friday.. 14th of Dec.. our company a year-end party.. and they had dances entertainment and food! lotsa of it.. its just like a regular party.. but its in a high class hotel.. so we had great food and entertainment! was fun!

my colleges and I =)
after the year end party.. we went out to have a walk at the nearby shrine in the city!

Some sumo wrestlin stage (y in the shrine? i dun know) haha..

Illumination at Canal City ( a shopping centre)

more illumination! =D
(From Left: Hoya-san, me, Sakamaki-san )

and even more!! lots of them!

and they had a large christmas tree too! =D

and when i wass walking on the road.. i saw a COKE TRUCK! all lighted up!

then we were on our way to another shrine!

some water thingy that u alwawys see at all shrines.. i forgot what the name is actually.. haha.. but your suppose to take to water.. pour over ur left hand.. then your right hand.. then drink it.. i think.. i kinda forgot the procedure.. haha =x

some sushi bar outside the shrine.. looks kinda special.. cos its long and narrow.. not like other buildings..
and thats all for the night.. and on the next day.. 15th Dec.. i went out with my colleges kids~ but ill talk about that later.. lets go on the sunday.. which i went to.. fukuoka tower! 123m high!

the grand Fukuoka tower! =D

the entrance~

and im up! just nice for the sunset scene! yay!

took some random photos.. gonna have lots of random photos.. =) maybe some almost the same..

almost the same as before =)

the sea and the small like port.. i forgot its name though.. =x sorry!

the sun going down!

and going down..

going lower and lower..~

the west side of the tower.. opposite from the sun..

sea hawk hotel and the sea~

more of the sea now~

the sea! nice blue coloured water huh.. =)

some random photo of the sea =)

ar! the sun's down already!

ferris wheel! and there's 2! (thats marinoa town - where many couples dwell =x)

its gettin darker~

the beach when its gettin dark~

the almost getting dark..

and its dark!

the sun's completely down!

took this at the right time! the tower and the moon together!

the small little port that i waws talkin about.. just went in to take a walk..

and spotted a christmas tree!! =D

took a walk at the beach and took a decent photo of fukuoka tower..

and the sea hawk hotel + yahoo dome! =)

the lighted up tower! =D

a close up!

and its blue trees on the foot of the tower..

a nearer close up!

and a even nearer one with its entrance at night..

the entrance!

and a super close up of the tower!

the moon at the tip of the tower! =D

walking walkin on the beach and took a photo of da sand!

and more sand! =D

ok thats all for sunday itself.. now back to saturday! =D i went out with my colleges kids! both of them! then we went to the large shrine.. which has 99 shrines in it.. i think.. haha.. it was kinda large.. cos its on the mountain itself.. so here are the photos!

Hans-kun and Kai-kun with me on steps going up the mountain!

at the gifts shop eating sweet potato pastries.. =D yum yum..

doing the Japanese Fortune thingy! =D not gonna say whats my fortune! =x haha..

Hans-kun trying to put the coin on the budda's foot.. the higher u put.. the more fortune.. i think.. =x not sure.. and he placed it some where at the middle!

while the more greedy me places it a little higher.. haha.. =x

3 of us did it.. so we took a picture! =D

the large sleeping budda! yeah!

another smaller budda at the foot of the mountain..

alrite! thats kind of little photos on saturday.. but sorry! cos i didnt bring my camera.. we were using my colleges camera.. thats y we didnt took much.. anyway.. im back in kumamoto.. every thing in Fukuoka was fun.. and i really enjoyed it.. =) had a speech in the office too before i left.. in japanese! took kinda long time to prepare thou.. haha.. =) alrite. tats all for the fun~ lets go on to...


Alright.. my work in Fukuoka is done.. learnt quite a bit.. from programming to the japanese language itself.. i used perl programming language to create the scripts and after finishing my internship at fukuoka.. i gained a new experience using perl scripting!

but before that, i would like to explain what the whole thing is about.. the department that i am working on is working on drug prediction.. they have a software/system which predicts drugs using chemistry.. and they will have file formats like SDF and CSV (comma seperated values). My job is to create scripts to allow interactions between those 2 files.. for example.. transferring the data through and fro etc.

so here are the scripts that i have created...

1. AddToSDF: taking data from the CSV file and matching them with the data in the SDF file and then adding data from the CSV file to the SDF file, creating another new SDF file which contains the combined data.

2. RemoveMissingValues: Taking the CSV file, and finding cells that does not have and values (null). Check if removing the WHOLE row or column will affect the data the least. This would have to be done for all missing value cells.. (one of the hardest algorithm to come up with).

3. SortSDF: Taking the SDF file, sort the SDF file according to what the user states. Example, if the user states the script will sort all the data in the SDF file according to its Compound Name.

4. ExtractSDF: Taking the SDf file, match the data of the SDF file with that of the CSV file. Then, extract those data in the SDF file and create a new SDF file without combining data from the CSV file.

5. RemoveStringValues: Taking a CSV file, remove all its string values or edit its string values based on certain conditions.

Thats all the 5 scripts that i've done within the 2 weeks.. some were hard and some were easy.. but it took quite an effort to complete all of them.. anyway.. it is good that i had experience in working in a location overseas by myself.. (really by myself) and learning new stuffs like perl.. it was a fruitful experience...