My Theater~*

Friday, January 11, 2008

School Reopens~ ><


ok!! as promised.. the 3rd day of the School trip to Okinawa~ so here it is..! =D


Left the hotel in the morning... around 10 plus.. as we waited for the bus at the lobby...

Playing again~?! =x haha..

and we played and everyone tried to pose.. until the bus came.. and we went to the castle in Okinawa..~

ok take 1 with Erka! JUMP! - FAILED ><

Reason: Camera man's finger was slow!

TAKE 2! Success! =D

Ok lets jump too Luqman! =D

and everyone came in to join the fun~

one of the door which leads to the castle..

climbed climbed up to the peak of the hill where the castle is located.. and had a great view from there =D

but everyone was tired.. ><

when we reached the castle.. we were unable to take pictures in some parts of it.. cos photos were prohibited.. =\ so we took pictures in places that were allowed..

a small hole in the castle which we were curious about..

alisha taking a picture with a person dressed up in traditional clothings which members in the castle used to wear..

A small model of the whole castle during a cermony...

thats all for the castle.. could not take much because of the restrictions made.. sorry guys..!

after that, we went to a large cave which was really really amazing.. it was long and it took us around 20mins to complete the whole trail... ><

Liyana and Erka posing with Okinawa Lions~ Roar~!

Stalactites and Stalagmites in the cave.. more to come.. =D

still water.. (Any Mosquito breeders? =x)

the cave celling.. ><

Anil and Alisha.. taking picture half way throughout the cave..

More Stalactites and Stalagmites ..

Super sharp ones too ><

arrr!! look out!! ><

not so sharp ones.. =\ but look dangerous too..

and of course blunt ones too! =)


and more limestone~

Mini Waterfall on limestones.. =\

a pot in the cave!! where it came from? =\

taking photos behind a signboard at almost the end of the cave..

after getting out of that long cave, we found ourselves in a shop.. a shop selling fruits.. it looks nice.. but..

more than 10 SGD for ONE mango.. =x

around 90 dollars for ONE STAR FRUIT!! ><>

taking pictures with Okinawa lions again~

!!! Rice Wine made with SNAKES!! REAL SNAKES!! ><

Didn't try it because it was really expensive.. It is a few hundred for a 1 litre bottle... too expensive.. >< after that, we left the place and went to a glass making factory..

making a glass cup in progress..

look at the orange part.. he tried to test it out using paper.. the paper got burnt straight away after touching it.. the orange part was actually a few hundred degrees..

after the visit to the glass factory.. we went to the airport to prepare our flight back to Kumamoto.. and at the Okinawa Airport.. we ate something that Singapore doesn't have anymore.. something that I've missed a long time ago~

A & W!!!!!

my corney hotdog and curly fries!! yum yum!

The okinawa school trip was really enjoyable.. everyone had fun.. and the best part was that the school subsidised our trip by more than 50%! thats so great! we only had to pay for our meals and entrance fees... =D

on new year's eve, we heard there is a countdown party at Kumamoto Castle, therefore, me and alisha took some of our time.. and went down to Kumamoto City~ here are some pictures of new year's eve! =D

alisha in da train.. going towards Kumamoto City.. (nice smile!)

and me!

spotted this large Christmas tree while walking to Kumamoto Castle!

reached the venue! and it was filled with lotsa lotsa and lotsa ppl~ ><>

band performances held on stage~

AND IT SNOWED! 5 mins before new year it snowed!! good timing!!

preparing for countdown~ smoke from the castle!!

- ok and sorry.. no pictures during countdown.. cos i took a video during countdown but it cannot be uploaded to the blog for some reason.. >< argh.. well leaving that aside..

duo performance after countdown..

1 on the piano and 1 beatboxing.. great tunes they have!! =D

the countdown party was really fun.. but i guess the party is not as grand as the one in Singapore. In Singapore there is fireworkds, and is filled with more people.. but in Kumamoto, there is no fireworks at all.. just a countdown =\ would have been nice with fireworkds ><

=D alrite.. ill end the fun part here with temperatures of Kumamoto.. during the day of temperatures around 10 degrees.. and night temperature of close to 3 degrees.. ><


(Disclamer: Photos in Okinawa are from Luqman's camera.. )


Currently still working on the Recipe Suggestion System in the college.. having almost 50% of the system completed, I feel quite safe that I can complete all basic features by the end of Feb! Also, I currently writing my report for Temasek Polytechnic.. Guess it is almost 80% completed. Once I am done, I'll touch it up and submit by the end of this month. Currently haaving no problems with anything.. but I guess problems will arise when I get to work on the Recipe Suggestion System more as I would be working on how to choose recipe using Market Price.

Therefore, I woud have to find out how to retrieve Market Prices from a source. As this is my first time doing this, I guess this would be a challange that I will face..

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