My Theater~*

Sunday, September 30, 2007

trying to adapt...

2nd day in Kumamoto, Japan! had a great night sleep.. and woke up around 10.45am Japan Time (9.45 SG Time). went to the toilet to brush my teeth.. there were 5 basins, so i jus randomly chose one.. ok.. brush brush brush.. and after i brush finish my teeth.. i raised up my head and look up to stretch my neck.. and GUESS WHAT!? I SAW THIS RIGHT ABOVE ME!


of course i didn't screen.. but guess spiderman didn't keep his spiders properly.. cos its found all over school.. from the size of your Smith sweet to the size of your typical wallet. There are lots and lots and LOTS of them. The one in the picture was about the size of an N Series handphone.

In the same room as the basin were washing machine and dryers.

Washing Machines and Dryers.

Wow. I didn't know that such things as dryers exist. It is meant to dry your cloths right after you wash them. so cool! ok maybe I'm a mountain tortise, but I was really surprised.

and this picture is the corridor outside my room. My room number is 207 and is being circled in red.


It's kind of creepy at night cos there will be no light in the corridor. only lights from every room's door class. so after 12am, i dare not go out anymore.. ><

ok.. and now.. let us go to the bathroom. It's being shared by everyone, so it is kind of big. Here is the individual shower cubical. The toilet is really clean. Sparkling clean. There is around 3 cubical in this bathroom.

Shower Cubical

and now.. the thing that i love most in KNCT hostel.. SHARED BATH!!

Shared Bathroom!

This is so so so hot spring. You are suppose to take a shower with shampoo and soap and then soak in the super big bath tub. It is not really a bath tub though and its really hot. It is around 40 degrees celcius and when the bath tub is full, the whole room will be super misty because of the smoke from the bath tub. cool huh? i haven got to try it yet but i'll confirm try it man!

alrite! its 10.30 now.. and i am going to have a chat with tanaka.. mat-chan and lukman (ok i forgot their spelling of their names) =x but nobu is not around.. =\ here are some photos.. theres more to come for the next few days!! or should i say weeks.. =D

From the Left: Me, Tanaka, Matchan, Lukman

Tanaka and Matchan's eyes closed.

alrite.. tats all folks! cya! =D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

* claps claps * for your bravery! for not screaming your lungs out when seeing those spideys! >< so there's also a difference between japan's and SG's spideys! * laughs * HUGE difference . god . din expect it to be so big thou. =\

anyway, in all.. the daily stuffs are almost there for you. there's even dryer! so great! do try the hot spring k! bet you'll feel super shiok, comfortable & rejuvenated after tt? lols. i guess so. x)

alright. from this post, i supposed there aren't much complaints bout anything but just those creepy-crawlies in your room & everywhere. no scared no scared k? =)

okays. take great & utmost care of yourself. please do NOT go out when it's too late k.

loves. :)