My Theater~*

Friday, October 5, 2007

more and more pics~ *

realrite! i know this entry kinda late.. but i was chattin with the jap guys.. ok today.. got lots of picture... so here it comes...

lets start with.. INSECTS!! arrr!! lols.. ok i dont know what is this insect called.. but i heard that it is super smelly when it dies.. yup yup.. and they say there is super lots of this during autumn.. the size is quite big.. maybe the size of half your thumb.. around there.. =\ heres a pic of it.. taken from luqman's room..

Unknown Insect.

ok and now.. PICTURES OF CLASS C-4.. the japanese xchange programme people mus be waiting for this.. and here it is!!

Class C-4: Just End of Class

Class C-4: the front

Class C-4: Dustbins (Cleaned after yesterday)

Yuuki playing PSP after class.

and now some drinks to introduce!! =)

Some kind of Tea. i don't know what it is.. but is mixed tea.. its like oolong cha.. ocha.. and many many other kinds of tea mixed together.. maybe around 8? =\ i don't kinda like it cos its super bitter.. not sweet at all.. ><

Qoo drink in Japan! its made of aluminium! not plastic.. haha and its nice and sweet! apple flavour!! =D finally something sweet to drink.. yay!

ok!! and at night.. i went to 7-eleven!! but i forgot to take a picture of it.. >< align="center">Bicycle stand at night.. creepy huh.. >

When i came back.. i saw them.. and started to chat with them outside the hostel.. and then.. we took this picture!! haha.. from da left.. nobu.. tanaka.. wasa.. =)

and now.. FOOD! BUT I FORGOT TO TAKE A PICTURE OF LUNCH! haha.. super duper forgetful man.. but heres today menu for dinner! tada!

From the Left: Blackie Stuffs(i dont know what is that, its not seaweed thou), chicken wrapped with cabbage, banana and orange (obvious), and rice with water! =)

hmmm.. today was a little busy.. especially at night.. because i arrive late to my room.. i made more friends in the night when talkin to them on the way back to the hostel. the night is a little cold though.. around 23 degrees.. abit like aircon... still waiting for colder weather..~ =\

oh yar. i forgot to add.. TOMMOROW I AM GOING TO.. KUMAMOTO CITY!! gonna take lotsa photos!! =) so expect lotsa photos tmr! =)

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