My Theater~*

Monday, October 1, 2007

busy busy day... *

bz.. busy.. buzy! today was kinda rush cos there were many stuffs to do.. i have to apply for a student card in KNCT (because of this, i had to go to a photo shop to take a passport photo), an alien card(a temporary identification card in japan), open a bank account, discussion about projects, and to make a decision which project to do.
ok lots lots lots.. but lets not talk about those boring stuffs are look at more PHOTOS! yay! =\
in our hostel, there are vending machines which accept coins. There are like cup noodles, biscuits, drinks etc. If i am not wrong a drink cost around 110 Yen (around 1.40 SGD).
Vending Machines in Hostel.
ok.. then heres a picture of the cafeteria with no one inside (cos it's not meal time yet).
Meal times are like 7.30am-8.10am for breakfast, 12pm - 12.50 pm for lunch and 6.20-7.50 for dinner.


I just got the price quote from the hostel teacher, and meals are priced as follow.. breakfast:250Yen (around 3 SGD), lunch:350Yen (around 4.50SGD), dinner: 400Yen (around 5.20 SGD). and rental of the room cost like 2,800Yen (around 35 SGD). I mean the prices are reasonable in Japan (cos as you know Japan has high standard of living).

ok next! Shoe lockers! the shoe lockers are to keep your shoes.. (ok, of course).. but it is to keep your slippers which are only meant for the hostel. A pair of slipper is required to be worn only in the hostel. so if u wanna go out of the hostel, you have to change from your "hostel slipper" to your shoes.

Shoe Lockers!
and here is my locker!! LOOK AT THE JAPANESE WORDS! It is the DIRECT translation of my name "Timothy". Serious! Wow, I didn't know that I have a Japanese name.. haha.. I wonder who did the translation.. =\

My Shoe Locker.

alrite.. in the afternoon, i had to meet Professor Matsumoto to discuss about the project that I am doing, so i had to walk to his office from the hostel. and guessed who i saw!?

Yoshi, Masa, Shouta, Kazuma and more and more~ almost everyone. That was the time whereby they just finished P.E. and most of them were topless in public. Too bad i didn't take pictures with them cos i didn't bring my phone and camera.. =\

ok then here a picture of Professor Matsumoto office..

Professor Matsumoto Office.
it's super duper messy! i don't know why he didn't clear the mess but when i first open the door of his office, i was like "OMG" in my mind.. of course i didn't say it out, if not i'll be in trouble. =x
and also, one of the teacher, i forgot her name, but i think it is Uneo (U-ne-o) Sensei. She brought Alisha and I to a photo shop to get some passport photos for the student card and alien card.

Uneo Sensei and I at the Photo Shop.

and their photo shop is kind of special, when they help you to take a photo, they not only give you a photo but also a CD which includes your picture inside, soyou can print and print and print it again. So cool! in Singapore, they just give us mere photos, and if we want more, we have to take more again. =\

alrite.. i shall end this entry with the temperature.. in morning it is kind of cooling.. around 23/24 degrees celcius, afternoon maybe 26 degrees celcius.. autumn is comingggg... =)

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