My Theater~*

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

gettin senile.. *

ok.. i promised to take a picture of the supermarket.. BUT I FORGOT!! arrr!! super short-term memory.. haha.. (i promise i'll take more when i go there again) but i took a photo inside the supermarket.. and.. tada!! a full row.. over 100 kinds of CUP NOODLES! super a lot..
Cup Noodles Shelf.
and heres a photo that everyone's waiting for..
(but don't be disappointed cos its kinda blur.. and not everyone is there)
Class C-4. The class that came to Singapore for Exchange Programme.
and here we are.. their class's sports photos.. it pasted on the wall beside their blackboard.
their classroom stuffs are really old. The desks and chairs are super old and it's made of wood. and they're still using blackboard, not whiteboard.
and heres something that the class didn't want me to take.. cos its really embrarassing.. when i saw it.. and i tried to take a photo of it.. all of them was like.. "NO!! NO!!". haha.. but too late.. i took it.. and here it is!

Rubbish Bins of Class C-4.

They claim they haven clear this pile of rubbish since summer holidays. that is.. 2 months ago. its super dirty la.. and it is just right behind yuuki.. poor thing.. gotta smell those rubbish.. ><

and now.. FOOD!! yay! here's today's lunch!!

Lunch - From the Left: Some Mixed Vegetables, Rice with Egg, Bean Spouts, Carrot, Beef and Vege, and a packet of milk!

lunch wasn't that bad.. but i still feel that lunch on monday was still the best! and now a picture of my dinner!

Dinner - From the Left: Japanese Curry with Potato, Grilled Salmon with Cheese, Miso Soup and Rice.

actually, i really hate the taste and smell of salmon. but i still took a bite. AND IT TASTE GOOD! the taste is totally different from singapore! it has no fish taste at all, no smelly smell and its delicious! =D first time i like salmon!

anyway, as from tmr onwards, its gonna be more and more work... arr... borrringg... gotta start on my project soon.. ok ending my entry with the weather.. Temperatures: Morning/Night:23/24 degrees celcius Afternoon:28/29. =)

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